Scheduling Technology Takes Form Of Free Software
Many computer manufacturers are constantly trying to expand the usefulness of their products out beyond the home office. These attempts to integrate computers with the rest of the home have mainly been focused on bringing the home computer into the living room as part of the home entertainment system. More recently however, companies like Hewlett Packard have been pushing systems designed for the kitchen. In the case of Hewlett Packard's model, the device is designed to be used with a touch screen or with a wireless keyboard and mouse which both dock underneath the unit. It's designed as a kind of electronic bulletin board that family members can use to keep track of each others' schedules and whereabouts, as well as leave messages for each other. The device also provides access to the Internet and allows family members to listen to music or watch video while spending time in the kitchen.
While devices like the Hewlett Packard TouchSmart PC do have their appeal, they're significantly more expensive than more conventional computers and consume valuable counter space that most people can't afford to give up in their kitchens. Fortunately though, there's a new type of software that allows a normal home computer to perform many of the same functions as a special bulletin board type computer for the kitchen. This software is called Cozi Central, it can be downloaded for free and it may be even more versatile in many ways than a kitchen PC.
Cozi Central comes in both a downloadable version and a web based version. The downloadable version works with Windows based computers, but the web based version will work with Macintosh and probably even Linux computers as well. Both offer schedules that family members can use to keep track of their comings and goings. Cozi Central allows family members to view either their own schedules or everyone else's all at once. It's also possible to easily synchronize schedules on Cozi Central with those on Microsoft Outlook's calendar function. This is especially valuable when work schedules and family schedules will influence each other. Cozi Group did include the option of filtering entries from Outlook though , so that the family calendar doesn't become too cluttered by all of the things that people have going on through work.
Cozi can also allow family members to communicate with each other and get remote updates of schedule changes through things like mobile phones. For example, a member of the family who wants to let the rest of the family know about a change to the schedule and send an email or text message from Cozi Central to other family members. At present Cozi Central can't receive text messages or email though. Of course it is easy enough just to open up a separate email or IM program in order to receive communications. Another neat feature that the software has is the ability to convert text to speech so that family members can check on their schedules over the phone.
Cozi does suffer from some draw backs that could be addressed in future versions. For example, right now there's no way to automatically update family members about changes to the schedule. Of course email and text messages can be sent, but that has to be done manually. Other than that, this software offers an easy and low cost alternative to more expensive and specialized equipment that does the same thing.
Labels: computers, electronics, entertainment, Internet, technology, TV
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